One thing that bothers me so much is that why do I see a lot of people celebrating regarding the ABS-CBN Shutdown?
I am not sure why you are reading this because you are Anti or you are a Pro.I am writing this not because you are anti or pro but I am pro humanity , I am pro kindness. The fact of the matter is I am never on pro on people who will suffer and I will never celebrate it just because it is because it satisfied our need to prove them wrong.
ABS-CBN has import good culture, they have been apart of my childhood and I think most of you. Somehow, ABS-CBN was there all those time. They have been part of our lives. Part of you is who you are because of them.
Do you dtill remember when you are still a kid and you don't know what to do. There are these kids program that actually shape us to become of who you are right now.
Sineskwela, remember the time when you always wanted to see Hiraya Manawari, Bayani and all those stuffs. Who could've forget Home Along Da Riles, Cidie at ang pagbabalat ng patatas ni Princess Sarah.
Remember those times that you have to wait once a week for "Maalala Mo Kaya" because there's just wonderful stories of inspiration in life and love.
Remember those days, those times that we enjoyed. Whatever we want to say the TV Network was able to bring good in us. They made us feel happy when we're sad and made us feel accompanied.
They were able to give us information actually all this time whenever we need them and that's what ABS-CBN brought to us and I'm sure just like everybody else. The TV station is not perfect, just like you, like me, like everybody else. We make mistakes.
But is that the reason for us to laugh at someone else's demise?
I hope you guys would understand that it's not fair and it's not right. If you really have a right moral compass you won't celebrate. You just have to sympathize. Empathy!
People are not perfect. This is not just for the fact that we should apply this for the TV Station. But let's apply this to our life in general.If someone commits a mistake.Let's condemn the act not the person.
I don't know what really happened behind to us why the government really urges and pushed through removing the franchise of ABS-CBN and I don't know maybe the network did not comply it at all.Fine!
Regarding those technicalities, it doesn't matter. What matters to me is that there are people affected by it. And I don't like the fact that I see on my wall people are celebrating and making fun the demise of one specific TV Station that has been there.
There are people their on that TV station that has been working for a long time and they are not just losing the job but they lost their family, they lost the part of them. WILL YOU LAUGH AT SOMEONE IF IN CASE NASUNOG ANG BAHAY NILA? Let's remove any biased at all. Let's just become any human beings who cares.
Let's not have selective sympathy wherein we just see and care for those people who are in need. Everybody who is in need needs our sympathy. We don't choose them.
WHY DO WE ALWAYS BLAME THE STATION ITSELF? We saw that the network got shutdown and we would just say, " Good for you, ABS-CBN". Let's stop that, we are better than that.
It's not good to somehow laugh at someone who suffered a major set back. Regardless of who they are, where they come from and regardless of any circumstances at all. Always remember, it's good to always become a bigger person. Laughing at someone else's demise doesn't make us cool, great or wise.
It makes us a less of human being. Let your heart speaks my friends!
I am writing this not because I am a pro or anti ABS-CBN. I am writing this because I wanted to tell everyone that I am pro Happiness and I am pro human being.I wanted to tell everyone that it is not the right thing to do.
What I am ANTI is , kicking someone when they are down. Kindness is King!
I wanted to tell everybody that in this trying times we need to be together. We need to be with each other. And start it with yourself.
Maybe the reason why the world is not changing as much as we want because we are waiting for the other person to do so.
The best way for us to contribute to the CHANGE that we long for is to start it with ourselves.
#IbalikAngABSCBN #IStandWithABSCBN